UAK Comp February 2025

The tornament team competed at their first competition of the seasion over the weekend. For many it was their first ever time competiting outside the club, also many of the team have moved up into harder categorys with harder katas to learn. Everyone did their absolute best and thats all we ask for. A big thankyou to paremts/family who came to support and to help provide lifts. Also thankyou goes to Sensei Gill and Sensei Isobel for the guidence and support on the day.
A big well done to Emily Beamish and Shak who gained 3rd in their kumite categorys.
Well done to the following for giving their all when competeting in Kata and Kumite:
David Marsland
Jacob Melling
Lennon Kenny
Miles Flemming
Margaux Adshead
Noah Joyce Mulvey
Oliver Delaney
Sammy Algate
Thankyou to Reuben who came to support his team
